Daily Archives: February 23, 2012

One-Liner: Boys Will Be Boys

Here’s one that takes a bit more context, so I’ve set it in my novel:

Solstice raised an eyebrow at Cliff.  “I take it you weren’t really paying attention to what she said.”

Cliff drew a breath, looking as if he were preparing to defend himself, then let it out with a sigh and a shake of his head.  He looked at his bare toes in the dirt.

Solstice reached up to lift his chin until his gaze met hers.  She spoke as if to a weeping toddler.  “Poor baby.  You were distracted by her sweater puppies, weren’t you?”

Yasmina blushed a bit.  Laurel snorted.

Reynard regarded the tableau for a moment, then stepped in front of Cliff to face Solstice.  “In Cliff’s defense… they were Great Danes.”

Cliff’s discomfiture deepened as his companions fell into laughter.

We aim to be classy in this here establishment.

I blame the folks at Bounce/Title 9 who sent me a bra catalog.